
Bunker Badass

Bunker Badass was the most prominent and notorious base of the New Facepunch Republic. It was in a trilogy with most being lead by Vab_ito. They all existed in late 2019 and early-mid 2020.

Bunker Badass v1[edit | edit source]

An underground bunker/base housing numerous players, definitely the most prominent of the 3. Lead by Vab.

It was reported at the height of the republic and of the base, it had 45 members. Here is a video tour of the base: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSVyJ6IAzps. It was also uploaded to The Archive. Griefed following a screenshot of terrain going public, lasted around 3 weeks.

Bunker Badass v2[edit | edit source]

Griefed by the Hybrid. The republic died down a bit by the time this base was active. It was lead by Vab and was much bigger.

Bunker Badass v3[edit | edit source]

Also known as Stonewater Town due to Fredmodulars, the Mayor, getting high and built a bunch of stone structures. He then flooded it with water via mining ice. It is very inactive.

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